Why I Came, Why I Chose to Stay

Being low-income and first-generation heavily influenced my decision to attend Princeton, but there is so much more about Princeton that makes me stay. 

Finances were the most important to me because I come from a low-income single parent household. My mother works for everything that my family has. Asking her to provide money for me to experience things like an unpaid internship or study abroad would be a lot for my family to handle, even though such experiences could help my academic, personal and professional growth. Princeton, however, provides many financially friendly opportunities such as Princeternships, study abroad programs, Breakout Princeton trips during breaks and PICS internships. Financial aid at Princeton is need-based, meaning the University awards students financial aid based on their individual needs. I chose Princeton because it afforded me and my family the financial freedom to help me further my academic endeavors. I could not in a million years afford to go to college without heavy loans, but with a generous aid package for undergrad, I can now think about attending graduate school.

Moreover, I also liked Princeton’s commitment to undergraduate education, the medium size of the school along with the student-to-faculty ratio. The resources at Princeton are unmatched. From the faculty who are hands-on in helping students cultivate their ideas and offering additional guidance during office hours, to the McGraw Center or The Writing Center; there is so much assistance, community and guidance tailored to each student’s needs. As a first-generation student, there is so much I do not know in terms of access, opportunities, finances, networking and even basic knowledge about jobs and fellowships. Being in a place with guidance and access to resources is important to me because it makes all the difference when you just don’t know what you don’t know. 

Why I came is important, but why I chose to stay is also of value. I chose to stay at Princeton because of the community, academic rigor and growth I've experienced here were unprecedented. I am very big on community and Princeton has provided me with the spaces where I am able to be myself while exploring different facets of my identity, the ways I learn and my academic interests. I feel like the spirit in the Black community here is truly special. We are all supporting each other and want everyone to win. I’ve met some of the most inspirational and motivating professors and students. I’ve also been able to travel to France and Puerto Rico during my time here even as a low-income student. Being at Princeton with financial freedom allows me to enjoy my college experience without worrying about money. I feel like I am where I'm supposed to be.


How I Chose Princeton

I officially committed to Princeton before I even finished Princeton Preview. After learning more about the amazing opportunities and people inside the Orange Bubble, everything just felt right. I’m so glad I made the choice to become a tiger, and I hope you will too.

A lot of the reasons that I chose Princeton hold true for plenty of my classmates. When I was looking for the right college, I knew I wanted a small school that had a close-knit community of students and offered personalized instruction. Princeton has an undergraduate focus and a small student-to-faculty ratio that made it easy to form close relationships with professors. I wanted somewhere that would allow me to explore my diverse interests without expecting me to know exactly what I wanted to do. I realized that Princeton would provide unparalleled academic experiences through a liberal arts lens that encouraged exploration and curiosity. Princeton also offered such fantastic need-based financial aid that made it possible for me to afford this amazing school. Princeton checked every box that I was looking for.

Naomi in front of Nassau Hall

There were many other reasons I loved Princeton outside of academics. Everyone I interacted with was so friendly and welcoming. I had a lot of great conversations and got a good feel about campus culture. I was impressed by the large number of student groups; it seemed like there was a club for everything! The campus was also one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. If I couldn’t go to Hogwarts, this seemed like a good substitute! I appreciated the ease of getting around the campus due to its small size. I also loved the town of Princeton and the many cute shops and restaurants right outside Fitz-Randolph Gates. The list of positives about Princeton goes on and on.

I also had certain criteria that I had to consider because of my disability. I needed somewhere within driving distance of my home in Maryland to avoid the inconvenience of plane travel. I was looking for a place with moderate weather, because snow and rain are difficult for my wheelchair to handle. I talked to the disability services offices at every college I considered to make sure my needs could be met appropriately. I was blown away by Princeton’s Office of Disability Services and immediately felt like I was in the right place. 

Although this year Preview will operate in an online form, I encourage you to explore the virtual opportunities and learn more about all the amazing aspects of Princeton. Hope to see you on campus next year!

One of the Best Decisions of My Life

To the newly admitted Class of 2024, congratulations! 

I remember being in your shoes, quite intimidated by the college selection process. I remember asking myself, will I fit in at Princeton? Will there be people like me? Can I handle the academic rigor? Despite my hesitations, choosing Princeton was one of the best decisions of my life. 

What I found appealing was Princeton’s focus on the liberal arts and world-renowned undergraduate education. The University gives you the flexibility of taking classes in a variety of subjects before officially declaring your concentration at the end of sophomore year. For me, this was crucial because I was undecided. I came in as a prospective math major, but after taking classes in different departments, I discovered an interest in archival research and joined the Department of History.

I also knew I wanted to learn from my peers, travel to different countries, and get access to enriching opportunities. From traveling to India with a geology class to interning in Israel at a high-tech startup, Princeton has provided me with memories and experiences that I will cherish for years to come. Best of all, these opportunities are fully covered financially! 

Another important factor was affordability. The financial aid program here is amazing. My parents were worried they wouldn’t be able to afford Princeton, but the financial aid award I received made it all possible. Throughout my years here, the financial aid office has supported me every step of the way. 

Princeton has truly become my home and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

On-Campus Jobs

Princeton offers different types of campus jobs for all undergraduate students. These jobs provide money to cover extra costs, such as books and travel to and from home. Working on campus can include conducting campus tours, assisting in research, tutoring other students and even baking cookies! 

When I first arrived at Princeton, I had several questions regarding student employment. How will I balance academics with a part-time job? Do I possess any relevant skills for these jobs? How do I hold myself accountable? 

My first job was working in the dining hall. From washing dishes to being on time for my shifts, I learned several practical skills. Additionally, I formed friendships with the other dining hall student workers, as we would all have dinner together right before our shift. I later got a job at the Marquand Library as a front desk worker, where I assist patrons with book requests and take care of  day-to-day operations.

Having a part-time job on campus is beneficial for two reasons: you become more independent and earn your own wages. For many, this is the first time they are held accountable as an employee and are assigned duties and responsibilities. For me, putting aside 10 hours per week for my jobs taught me how to manage my time efficiently. It also taught me about teamwork and how your co-workers depend on you. This was my first time earning my own income and it taught me how to use that money wisely.

For prospective students, I assure you that working on campus is auspicious to personal and monetary growth. It serves as an introduction to the real world and teaches you practical skills that you might end up using in the future!

Let’s Talk About the Money: France and Finances

At the beginning of my first-year fall at Princeton, I told myself I was going to study abroad in France. How? I had no idea. Shoot! I was just aiming for the moon and hoping to land among the stars. I knew that Princeton offered summer abroad programs. I did not know how I, a low-income, first generation college student, was actually going to finesse my way into France. I had never been to Europe, but my “Take Me to Paris” wall decal and Eiffel Tower throw blanket may have suggested otherwise. We know how this story ends, because, well, I am writing this blog post. This is not your average I-went-to-France-and-took-a-picture-with-the-Eiffel-Tower story. Let me tell you about how a low-income student made it to France. The experience was priceless, but let's be real, the ticket was not. Let’s talk about the money.

After taking my last intro-level French course, I was eligible to apply for a Princeton in France study abroad program in Aix-en-Provence. This program offered four weeks of language immersion. Around the same time, I also applied for an internship in Paris – shocker – through the International Internship Programs (IIPs). This is open to all students without a particular class prerequisite.

Now, the money. I applied for funding for my trip to Aix-en-Provence through the Student Activities Funding Engine (SAFE), the funding source used on campus for students to apply for grant aid for thesis research, independent research, summer opportunities or even those specific to different breaks. Built into the cost of the abroad program was housing, food and the class. The flight ticket was not included in that cost, but through SAFE, students can apply for grants that may cover some, most or all of these expenses, depending on the grant. (It doesn't hurt to apply to multiple and hope for the best.) Different grants have different post-trip requirements such as saving receipts, sending letters to donors or writing a reflection piece. For the internship, IIP offers its own financial aid for eligible students, so I didn’t need to apply through SAFE.

Applying for funding in Europe for IIP was challenging because of currency rates. Make sure to check out conversion charts if you're going abroad! I did not want to play myself by doing a one-to-one conversion. Applying was not a long process, but it did ask for a breakdown of all expenses. This includes how much you expect to pay for housing, travel and transportation. Although I was not accepted into the IIP, a few weeks later, I was accepted into the Aix-en-Provence program with immaculate funding for the trip. It covered the cost of the class and some of my transportation. 

My trip to France helped me begin my journey towards managing my finances and being aware of my spending habits.  I explored a new country while exploring myself, my beliefs, values and morals. I also learned so much about being financially conscience and taking chances. Applying for financial assistance for my trip to France gave me the perspective to understand the expenses needed for a trip abroad and how to best allocate my funds. If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to reach out to me or check out the Aix-en-Provence program.

Matching with Princeton

Editor's Note: The QuestBridge National College Match helps outstanding low-income high school seniors gain admission and full four-year scholarships to some of the nation's most selective colleges. Princeton has been a proud QuestBridge partner for many years now and every year, we match with a small number of students through College Match. Hear from some of our current QuestBridge Scholars and their experiences with the match process and the University. - Kayla McDonald, Assistant Director of Admission


David Hwang '23

Major: Undecided

Email: jyhwang@princeton.edu

David Hwang

Congratulations! It may be hard to believe, but as a QuestBridge Scholar, you are incredibly deserving, and you should honestly take a moment in this tumultuous and overwhelming time to breathe and commend yourself. I remember, just a year ago, that this time was filled with heaps of letters, brochures, notifications and forms that contributed to this sense of happy chaos. Thus,  I want to briefly share my experience at Princeton as a fellow QuestBridge Scholar, so that you can perhaps get a feel for what it is like here.

I was surprised by being matched with Princeton University. I remember seeing the acceptance rate and thinking to myself that it was a long shot—perhaps too long of a shot. During the commitment period, I was distraught between some amazing opportunities at other colleges, but ultimately, Princeton had my heart. To put it simply, all of the schools I was fortunately blessed to choose from offered great programs with bountiful opportunities and generous financial aid. However, the undergraduate-focused culture at Princeton and the unique and diverse student body, conjoined with the stunning campus convinced me to matriculate at Princeton. The difference is significant.

And I know that I have not made the wrong decision. Yes, school can get difficult at times, and it is a lot of work, but that is true no matter where you go! Many resources will be available to you, and it is ultimately up to you to capitalize on them. I personally have found some classes at Princeton to be challenging, but at the same time, it is rewarding to know that I have done my best and that the results reflect that. 

My advice for those scholars who matched with Princeton would be to simply cherish the present moment. Be honest with yourself, trust yourself and take it one day at a time!

Danielle Newton '20

Major: Chemistry 

Email: dnnewton@princeton.edu

Danielle Newton

I would advise the newly matched QuestBridge students to pick a college that has a large and established community of FLI (first-generation and low-income) students so that you have other people who share a similar background. Schools that prioritize bringing FLI students to campus likely also prioritize their success once they are there. I remember how selecting a school among an impressive list is overwhelming and challenging, but I’m so thankful I ended up at Princeton, and I’d love to see you on campus too!

My first year at Princeton was more of a transition than I was expecting—I hadn’t heard of J.Crew, I thought squash was a vegetable and not a sport and I had never worn a pair of “Bean” boots. But before I even stepped on campus, I was welcomed by a community of FLI students and faculty through the Scholars Institute Fellows Program (SIFP). Throughout my first two years at Princeton, I met with a group of SIFP students each week to share and gather advice or stories through the guidance of an upperclassmen mentor. SIFP also provided me with so much support: everything from extra precepts for organic chemistry to rides to the nearby mall for Halloween costumes. I have also remained quite involved with QuestBridge throughout my four years at Princeton. I’ve been a National College Admissions Conference Group Leader, and I attended the QB25 Conference in San Francisco this summer. Additionally, I have also been a part of the Quest Scholars Network on campus.

With all of the support, guidance, companionship and mentorship I’ve received at Princeton as a FLI student, I haven’t felt that anything is off-limits. Princeton has awarded me generous financial aid for two summer study abroad programs and a summer senior thesis research grant. Joining an eating club, traveling abroad for the first time and much more were fully accessible to me.

Daniel Palleres '20

Major: Computer Science

E-mail: DanielPallares@princeton.edu

Daniel Pallares

When I started senior year of high school, I wasn’t even thinking about Princeton as an option for my undergraduate education. I didn’t think I could get in, and I knew my parents couldn’t afford it. My college and career counselor encouraged me to apply through QuestBridge, and I was left speechless when I got matched.

After visiting Princeton and several schools I was admitted to, I realized that Princeton was the best choice for me. The diversity in academic passions, the wealth of resources available to me as an undergraduate, and the support that the institution provides for first-generation and low-income students are unmatched.

Now that I’m in my final year, I have fully integrated into the University. I’m finishing my concentration in Computer Science at the School of Engineering & Applied Science, I’m president of the eating club Quadrangle and I have a job lined up for after graduation. I’m excited to come back to Princeton as an alumnus.

Marisela Neff  '20

Major: Chemistry 

Email: mneff@princeton.edu

Marisela Neff on Princeton's campus

Being matched to Princeton through QuestBridge has truly been life changing for my family and me. Coming from a first-generation and low-income background, I was entirely convinced Princeton was not within reach. However, getting matched to Princeton has allowed me to take a step into a world of opportunities that I never could have imagined were available to me.

After visiting Princeton, I fell in love with the University’s focus on its undergrad students and its dedication to creating leaders who will change the world. I have been so grateful for resources like the Freshman Scholars Institute and Scholars Institute Fellows Program, which helped me adapt after high school and get introduced to all that the University has to offer. At Princeton, I’ve been able to travel the world, interning in India and Ecuador for two months while also visiting Peru, Chile, and Cuba through the Office of International Programs. I’ve participated in and lead a civic engagement trip on social-political issues that I am passionate about in Washington D.C. and Detroit, Michigan through the Pace Center for Civic Engagement. And finally, as a senior, I’m spending a lot of time working in an organic chemistry synthesis lab for my senior thesis. As a premedical student studying Chemistry with a certificate in Latin American Studies, Princeton has certainly been challenging. However, the support and opportunities available here are truly one of a kind.

A Survival Guide to College Applications

As the deadline for early action applications to Princeton looms closer and closer, I’m constantly reminded of my own path to Princeton and the process it took for me to get here. I remember how stressful the college application process was, with everyone asking, “Where are you applying?” and, “What’s your first choice?” It’s easy to get overwhelmed by these questions, especially if you’re not quite sure of how to respond.

The process of making your list of schools to apply to is tough. I remember I didn’t understand why it was so hard when I was young; why couldn’t students just apply to every single school in the country? That way they’d surely get in somewhere. I didn’t realize that each application came with an application fee, not to mention the fact that the Common Application limits the number of schools you can apply to through their platform. (If the application fee is a hardship for your family – you can check with the school to see if fee waivers are available.) Upon learning this, I started to understand why so many students have a hard time crafting their list.

Princeton Lawnparties

So, how do you go about making “The List”? What should you keep in mind when looking at schools? Below is a survival guide to college applications.

  1. Location. Location is key. Many high school students can’t wait to graduate and go to a university far away from home, but here’s a pro tip: everyone gets homesick at some point or another. Maybe you miss your parents, siblings or pet. Maybe you miss sleeping in your own familiar bed. Maybe you miss that small-town feel. Whatever the reason, it’s very hard to go home for the weekend if you live far away. When I was looking at schools, my parents insisted on a “no-fly zone,” meaning the schools I chose had to be within driving distance from home. At first, I thought this was a huge limitation; then I realized that, since I lived in New York, I had so many colleges within driving distance from me!
  2. Campus feel. When I was looking at colleges, I remember that the way a campus was structured was really important to me. I wanted a campus that felt like a campus. For that reason, a lot of city schools didn’t make it to my list. One aspect of Princeton that I love is that it has a physical gate that clearly signifies where the campus is. This solid campus structure makes the school feel homier to me, which was important. If you’re a person who loves cities and being immersed in them, try adding more city schools to your list!
  3. Money. Money can be a sore subject that not a lot of people like to talk about. Nevertheless, the reality is that money is a huge factor when students apply to college. There are many different ways to go about this. In-state tuition versus out-of-state tuition can make a huge difference at some schools. At others, the financial aid program is what attracts students. When I made my list of schools to apply to, I made sure to keep all of this in mind before choosing universities. Princeton's generous financial aid program made college possible for me, as the program is need-based and is committed to meeting 100% of a family’s demonstrated need. Princeton also reevaluates your family's financial situation every year in order to account for any changes, making it extremely flexible!
  4. Academics. Of course! We can’t forget the actual reason why you go to college! The academic opportunities at a university will likely be a deciding factor during your application process. Part of what attracted me to Princeton was its academic rigor which, in turn, opens doors to countless internship and career opportunities.
  5. Alumni network. When you apply to a school, you have to also keep in mind your plans for after college. A strong alumni network goes a long way when it comes time to look for work, internships, fellowships, graduate programs, etc.  In fact, over 26,000 alumni volunteers work with the University in various capacities including providing opportunities and advice to students and young alumni interested in internships and careers.

I hope that these tips will be helpful to you during your college application process. However, you should also keep in mind that you’re going to end up where you’re supposed to be. The admission process doesn’t always work out the way you expect it to, and the stress of the “What-ifs” is exhausting and simply awful. Try not to feed into the frenzy of college applications; if you focus on keeping your own process under control, you’ll be much happier in the end!

Financial Aid Made Princeton Possible for Me

My parents always encouraged me to go to college. Not only was I encouraged, but I was expected to pursue higher education. Not in a “We’re forcing you to go to college” way, but more of a “College helps you succeed and you will be successful” way. Nevertheless, I quickly realized that my current and future situation wasn’t like that of my friends.

My path to college was a little different. My parents didn’t go to college. My dad didn’t finish high school. My parents moved to America from Spain when they were 20 years old, not knowing a word of English and without a cent in their pockets. Sure, Princeton is the number one school in the country, and it’s part of the prestigious Ivy League, but there isn’t one specific way to make it here.

Princeton University's Nassau Hall

Many students at my high school would say that they were not applying to any Ivy League schools because of how expensive they are. My parents had heard the same thing, but they still encouraged me to apply; they said that college is important, and that, somehow, they would find the money. One of my mother’s colleagues had a son who went to Princeton, and she told my mom about Princeton’s incredible financial aid program. Suddenly, Princeton seemed that much more attainable.

My family and I visited Princeton for the first time during my sophomore year of high school and attended an information session about financial aid. There, we learned that aid packages rely on grants, not loans. This means that 82% of students graduate from Princeton debt-free. We also learned that Princeton has a need-blind admission policy, which means that financial need is not taken into consideration when making admission decisions. There’s even a financial aid online estimator, which allows you to input your financial information to see an estimate of how much your family would have to pay to attend Princeton. We were so excited; I have a twin sister, which meant that my family would be paying two college tuitions at the same time. Princeton’s financial aid would help make that possible.

When I was admitted to Princeton in December of 2015, I committed that same day. Some of my friends waited a few weeks after their admission to a bunch of schools so that they could compare the financial aid package received from each school, but I knew I wouldn’t get anything better than what Princeton was offering me. The financial aid office made itself so available to my family for any questions we had during the application and matriculation processes; since my parents had never done this before, we had many questions! Princeton’s financial aid made Princeton possible for me, and I’m eternally grateful.

One Perspective on Financial Aid

For me, the question of "Why Princeton?" is always a fun one to reflect on. In many ways, my journey here can be traced to a 6 x 9-inch flyer.

From a young age my parents impressed upon my siblings and I that education is a critical resource towards self-empowerment and that college is a step in that journey. However, growing up in a low-income family, we were also pushed to apply to scholarships just as intensely as we applied to university, if not more so. Without stifling our desires or pushing us towards any one school or type of education, my parents also encouraged us to take the realities of paying for an education seriously. Therefore, my college search kept me confined to public schools or schools that offered competitive student loan financing. Few people from my town ever ventured outside of the state for higher education let alone Princeton.

To be honest, I don’t remember even hearing about Princeton beyond the yearly rankings or in books that included anecdotes on the Ivy League. Applying to Princeton was surely the furthest thing from my mind. That is, until I received a 6 x 9-inch flyer. I still remember, to this day that the flyer read, "82% of students graduate debt free." And although I was not sure the black and orange colors would look good on me, I decided to throw my name into the application pool in the hopes that I could be one of those 82% and avoid the intimidating prospect of years of student debt.

Many months later, I found myself grateful with my acceptance letter in hand and a trip to Princeton Preview, Princeton's spring program for newly admitted students. I remember being amazed by the beauty of the campus and feeling overwhelmed by the campus' activities. I was already interested in pursuing my education at Princeton, but seeing the financial aid package put it over the top for me. It was eye opening to see that not only do people in my financial position receive extremely generous aid packages, but students whose family income was as high as $160,000 also receive full tuition coverage. Even more enticing, I no longer had to configure personal loan financing as Princeton’s financial aid system works on grants, which do not need to be paid back. Even when you are unable to avoid loans, there are a variety of subsidized and unsubsidized loan options. It has been a journey to understand all these financial aid terms and the ins and outs of the financial system, but the financial aid officers are very helpful in navigating the system and addressing any concerns I have had.

Outside of direct financial aid, I have also found Princeton incredibly helpful in attempting to minimize the ways that differences in socio-economic status affects the Princeton experience. I was not sure I really believed this until I had the opportunity to study abroad my junior spring. Princeton's policy is that socio-economic position should not inhibit students from such incredible opportunities and therefore students will not pay more for these experiences (study abroad during the academic year) than they typically do for Princeton. The result of this policy is the ability to work with financial aid for generous support of international opportunities during the academic year and the summer. A more personal result was that the financial aid assistance allowed me to enjoy my semester in France without any additional tuition, room & board or insurance costs. 

It is still surreal to me that Princeton came into my life via a flyer for financial aid, but I am grateful that it did. And now that I have more years under my belt here, my skepticism has given way to evangelism for the Financial Aid Office here at Princeton. They are not exaggerating when they say it is a big reason why Princeton stands out among its peers and is what makes this place so great. 

Editor’s Note: Financial aid figures reflect 2019-20 academic year.


My Summer with the ACLU

During the summer, I was lucky enough to intern at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), in downtown Manhattan, working in their National Political Advocacy Department on the Campaign for Smart Justice. Through the Campaign, I worked on projects with the overarching theme of eliminating mass incarceration and racial injustice in the American criminal legal system. I’m incredibly grateful for the experience, as it was a summer of learning and growing for me in so many ways.

First, I was able to continue expanding my knowledge about law, politics, policy and the interaction between them. I used the skills I’ve been developing at Princeton through the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs⁠—knowledge accrued from various classes⁠—and applied them to the projects I was working on at the ACLU. Being able to see the real-world applications of the concepts I have learned in class was amazing; it made my work that much more meaningful. Additionally, knowing that I was contributing to extremely important projects was incredible. For example, I contributed to the ACLU’s work on clemency by putting together a memorandum that analyzed each state’s past and present policies on the matter. I then used the information to figure out which states the ACLU should focus on for their own clemency initiatives. I’m grateful to have contributed to such a monumental cause.

Second, I had the opportunity to compare my experience at the ACLU with my internship last summer. Last summer, I worked at the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) in their Immigrant Protection Unit (IPU). Although NYLAG and the ACLU are both non-profit organizations, I had vastly different experiences at both organizations. While I was working in direct services at NYLAG, I had my own clients and ran my own meetings; I was doing more big-picture work at the ACLU this summer. I was able to meet and talk with many influential individuals in today’s political scene. I even had the opportunity to video-conference with Edward Snowden.

Video-conferencing with Edward Snowden

Third, I received funding from Princeton for my internship at the ACLU, since the internship was unpaid. Because of Princeton’s generosity, I was able to afford rent at a beautiful apartment in Manhattan. While working at NYLAG last summer, my commute was an hour and a half to and from work each day. Living in Manhattan made my commute much more manageable, and it provided me with a community I had never had access to before. All of a sudden, I was surrounded by other college students interning in the same city and having similar experiences. I was able to participate in more after-hours work functions, which facilitated closer relationships with my coworkers. Finally, I experienced living on my own in a setting that wasn’t a college dorm. I paid rent for the first time, went on weekly grocery store runs, cooked every day and got to know a new area.

My apartment in Manhattan!

My experience at the ACLU went above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined, and it reinforced my interest in law, politics and policy. I am grateful for my time at the organization, and I’m looking forward to following the ACLU’s accomplishments in the years to come!