Princeton is attainable, accessible and affordable. Our aid program is designed to encourage all qualified students — regardless of financial circumstances — to consider applying for admission to Princeton. Reflected in Princeton’s financial aid program is our commitment to access and affordability. Princeton admission is need-blind — there is no disadvantage in the admission process for financial aid applicants. This ensures a continued and growing enrollment of a diverse group of students from all socioeconomic backgrounds. If offered admission, Princeton will meet 100% of your demonstrated financial need with grant aid. In fact, Princeton is often less expensive than your state college or university.

Princeton Is Affordable

Statistics from the 2023-24 Academic Year


is the tuition for the 2023-24 academic year.


of recent seniors graduated debt free.


of the average grant covers 100% of tuition.


of students are estimated to qualify for financial aid in the 2023-24 academic year.


One of the Most Generous Programs in the Country

Princeton’s financial aid program is recognized as one of the most generous in the country. Princeton is one of a handful of universities that applies the same financial aid policy to international students.

We determine a family's ability to pay using our own simplified formula. Princeton’s no-loan policy replaces student loans with grant aid that students do not pay back — this makes it possible to graduate with little to no debt. Estimate the amount of financial aid you may be eligible to receive by using the Princeton financial aid estimator (United States and Canada residents only).







Tuition, housing, and food for the 2023-24 academic year


The estimated average grant for an aid student admitted to the Class of 2027




Average net cost of tuition, college fee, housing, and food for aid recipients

Attainable, Accessible and Affordable

We are committed to making a Princeton education affordable to all. Since 2001, grants have replaced student loans in the Princeton financial aid package for all aid recipients. The Princeton Financial Aid Application (PFAA) is free and easy to use for both U.S. and international applicants. Our generous financial aid program allows undergraduates to graduate from Princeton with little to no debt.

Apply for Financial Aid

Attainable, Accessible and Affordable

We are committed to making a Princeton education affordable to all. Since 2001, grants have replaced student loans in the Princeton financial aid package for all aid recipients. The Princeton Financial Aid Application (PFAA) is free and easy to use for both U.S. and international applicants. Our generous financial aid program allows undergraduates to graduate from Princeton with little to no debt.

Apply for Financial Aid

Cost & Aid FAQs

My parents were worried they wouldn’t be able to afford Princeton, but the financial aid award I received made it all possible.

- Roberto Hasbun '21

Read Roberto's Blog

My Financial Aid

How Do I Apply for Financial Aid?

You must first apply for admission and create your Princeton Applicant Portal account.

Apply For Financial Aid

What Are My Financing Options?

Princeton offers different methods for paying the University bill.

Financing Options

How Much Is My Grant?

Our grant may vary based on the Financial Aid Office's evaluation of your individual family's resources.

Grant Evaluation