A rewarding way to enrich and broaden a Princeton education can mean going beyond its gates.
Princeton’s study abroad programs give students the opportunity to expand and deepen their undergraduate education by studying or working overseas. By absorbing and adapting to a different culture, learning its language and befriending its people, students learn a great deal about themselves and gain a more sophisticated view of the world.
A World of Possibilities
Princeton accepts credit from more than 100 programs and universities in 40 countries. Students can pursue a wide range of studies internationally. For instance, they might study public policy at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, engineering at the University of Oxford in England or neuroscience at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden.
Paying for Study Abroad
Princeton’s full-coverage financial aid program ensures that every student has an equal opportunity to study abroad. Students who receive financial aid continue to receive it when participating in approved programs during the semester or year. Even those who don’t normally receive financial aid have access to external and internal grants, fellowships and special funds to help them meet some of the costs of overseas activities, including summer language study, international service programs and thesis research.
Internships Abroad
Princeton also partners with governments and private industries around the globe to arrange summer jobs and internships. Princeton students have taken jobs and internships as bank tellers in Paris, law clerks in Germany and television production assistants in Thailand. If a Princeton student is offered an unpaid internship that lasts more than eight weeks in the summer, University funding often helps pay for their expenses. Learn more about Princeton's International Internship Program.
Geosciences Major Studies Fisheries in New Zealand
If you had told Chan, a native New Yorker, that his Princeton education would include studying fjords in the South Island of New Zealand, he might not have believed you. But a gut instinct and some helpful advice from the Office of International Programs were all it took for him to decide on a spring semester abroad at the University of Otago.
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Geosciences Major Studies Fisheries in New Zealand
If you had told Chan, a native New Yorker, that his Princeton education would include studying fjords in the South Island of New Zealand, he might not have believed you. But a gut instinct and some helpful advice from the Office of International Programs were all it took for him to decide on a spring semester abroad at the University of Otago.
Read the StoryStudy Abroad Inspires Project on Languages and Education
Abidjan Walker’s senior thesis explores educational systems from the standpoint of language in the three countries she studied in as a Princeton student: China, Morocco and Switzerland.
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Study Abroad Inspires Project on Languages and Education
Abidjan Walker’s senior thesis explores educational systems from the standpoint of language in the three countries she studied in as a Princeton student: China, Morocco and Switzerland.
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