A Princeton Treat: How Coffee Shops Are Sites of Connection

Princeton is home to many beautiful coffee shops that are sites of bustling interactions, community building, and personalized comfort spaces. These places — from our beloved Small World to our unique Coffee Club —frequently witness a diverse crowd of students, faculty, staff, and visitors alike. From freshly brewed teas to seasonal specialties, a variety of drinks can be found in the hands of loyal customers who indulge in the comforting flavors of their beverage of choice. Indeed, as people flutter in and out of these shops, it becomes clear that coffee is more than just a drink — it is a treat for the exhausted, a buffer between introductions, and a medium to bring community together.


9:01 am: In the mornings, the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafts in the air as tired customers head to their shop of choice. As an observer, I watch as greetings and goodbyes intertwine with other chatter. This chatter is rich in substance as students check in with one other, make plans for the week, and navigate the highs and lows of college. There will be students who silently take out their laptops and start working while others will hastily say their goodbyes as they rush to their first class of the day. The crowd ebbs and flows but the mornings in the coffee shops are always filled with life.


12:31 pm: In the afternoons, things seem to be more calm. There is a stillness that seems to anticipate the incoming chaos. Soon, the afternoon lethargy catches up to the early risers and the coffee shops of Princeton become a blur. Orders are repeated, customer names are yelled, and this whole process repeats itself until the midday rush subsides to a peaceful swell.  


3:00 pm: One by one, I can see groups of people come in — coffee shops are now a space where people can work on projects together, study with one another, or simply exist in the presence of others. Coffee is no longer just a pick-me-up, but rather, a symbol for the shared experience that fellow Princeton students go through as they attempt to finish their work. 


6:00 pm: As the night falls and the shops prepare to close, people begin to leave one by one. Farewells are exchanged and tomorrow, the creak of the door will signify the start to a new day.


At Princeton, coffee shops host a vibrant, bustling, culture where people can come together. They are at the crux of our shared experiences as fellow Princeton students, staff, faculty, residents, and visitors are able to undergo an experience that connects us to each other in this quaint college town. Indeed, these shared experiences are a product of our environment; Princeton’s medium-sized campus, rigorous academic environment, and yet its social desire for connection are forged together in the many local coffee shops found nearby. There is something special about being able to feel like there is a place ready to accommodate everybody for every purpose — here at Princeton, whether you visit these sites to grab a sweet drink or to meet others, you’re always in for a treat.

Next Steps: Planning for Life Post-Princeton

In the thick of my thesis and deep in finals preparation, graduation feels like a very distant prospect at the moment. But come May, I will be donning my cap and gown to process through Fitzrandolph Gate as a new alumna. Seniors are preparing now for life outside the Orange Bubble, and there are many different options to consider. What do Tigers do after graduation?

Some students enter the workforce directly after graduating. My friend Ben, for instance, was offered a position at the company where he interned over the summer. Other students meet potential employers through events like the HireTigers career fair or through the website Handshake. The Center for Career Development is always available to help search for jobs, refine your resume, and conduct mock interviews.

Other students, around 20% in recent years according to the Daily Princetonian, continue their studies in graduate school. This could be a master's program, doctoral program, medical school, or law school. A master's program is generally one to two years and consists mainly of specialized courses. My friend James, for instance, intends to do a one-year master's before becoming a practicing structural engineer. A doctoral program is a longer commitment, typically 5-6 years, that consists of courses and then several years of research.

Some students apply for special one to two year fellowships, like the Rhodes, Marshall, or Gates Cambridge, that provide funding for research experiences. These are often country or university-specific. The Gates Cambridge, for instance, is for several years of graduate study at the University of Cambridge in England. The Office of International Programs hosts information sessions on campus for each of these throughout the year for interested students.

Through my research experiences at Princeton, I've discovered that I really enjoy the problem-solving process of academic research, and I know I'd like to pursue a Ph.D. after graduation. Throughout the summer and fall, I researched different potential programs and advisors in order to prepare my applications for doctoral programs. Most are due mid-December, and I'll hear back in March (stay tuned).

While my preparations for life post-graduation are well underway, I fully intend to cherish my last semester and all its traditions. I'm truly looking forward to all that this coming semester will bring.

Are Princeton Students Competitive?

Prior to college I led my large public high school’s Model United Nations (MUN) team to various regional and national competitions. MUN, much like other intellectually-centered competition clubs, attracts striver-type students who enjoy the intellectual rigor, attention, and accolades associated with the activity. Many of the students on my team and on teams across the country aimed for and eventually attended rigorous colleges and universities across the country, in part because of the competitie drive that motivated their academic and co-curricular discipline. 

When I arrived at Princeton, I naively assumed that most of my classmates would resemble the students I encountered at these competitions. Those kids, who wanted to stand out in the sea of thousands of young adults, were fiercely competitive. 

What I discovered once I stepped on campus was that Princeton students however—even the ones who participated in MUN like myself—were a different story: 

The folks I sat next to in lecture, who I caught glances of while they messaged their friends under the guise of notetaking, giggled with when our Professors unknowingly said something humorous, or commiserated with at the end of a difficult discussion, became the basis of my first study groups. Our time together transformed from brief moments of connectivity in class to hours of tackling our work under the bright lights of the Butler College lounge.

What I found in my first few in-person classes was the spirit of collective action that is a defining trait of Princeton’s student life. This is in part enabled by the structure of Princeton’s academics which provides a framework for students to see one another as collaborators instead of competition. Princeton’s Honor Code is the backbone of academic life and it is the set of regulations that protect academic integrity in our classes. In the case of most of my classes, students were not just permitted but encouraged to collaborate with peers to complete assignments. In the case of my Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) classes, this took the form of informal Problem Set (PSet) groups. In the evenings, we would meet in a study room to cover course material and propose solutions to our PSET problems. In my non-STEM classes, my classmates and I would share course notes with one another and, at times, discuss our readings following class.

This is not to say that all of my classmates are my best friends. What stands out to me, even more than the close friendships that have formed through academic life, is the mutual respect my classmates hold for one another in supporting their academic journey. This mutual respect is definitely a privilege: I think students at Princeton can lessen their competitive selves because they perceive their status as a Princetonian as ensuring some level of security in the years beyond. Perhaps this sense of security empowers students to be gentler to one another in an environment that can, at times, keep us pretty busy.

The humming seats of Firestone Library have been the launchpad for some of my treasured relationships here and the subtler interactions between my peers provide me a feeling of comfort that I am truly appreciate of.

My RISE Summer Fellowship in NYC (Recognizing Inequities and Standing for Equality)

What do I want to do this summer? 

I kept asking myself this question over sophomore year. The past two summers I had studied abroad and worked a retail job in my hometown, but I knew, going into my junior year, that I wanted to do something explicitly related to my career. 

I want to go to law school. In a perfect world, I work as a Staff Attorney at the ACLU in their Immigrants’ Rights Unit. I am drawn to issues pertaining to detention centers and citizenship rights, and I wanted what I did over the summer to, in some capacity, address that.

This is why I chose to work for the RISE community partner CANY. CANY, or the Correctional Association of New York, is a non-profit promoting criminal justice reform. They conduct independent monitoring and oversight of all 44 New York State correctional facilities to improve transparency, identify harmful practices, and decrease incarceration across the state. With grounding values of respect, justice, and anti-racism, I was immediately drawn to CANY’s mission. 

I was on the Monitoring and Reporting Team, which organizes visits to correctional facilities, formulates standardized surveys to send out to incarcerated individuals, and is responsible for correspondence with incarcerated individuals and their loved ones. As an intern, I connected incarcerated individuals to social and legal services, conducted one-on-one interviews, and built CANY’s volunteer database to expand the facility visit program.

The environment was incredibly supportive, but the work was hard. While my supervisors were considerate of my time, communicated expectations clearly, and gave ample opportunities to ask questions, the material was heavy. Daily, I sifted through testimony about the abuses incarcerated individuals faced in facilities hundreds of miles away from their families. When working with organizations addressing issues of racial injustice and other inequalities, one can feel inundated with all the bad in the world. RISE gave me an opportunity to look at the nonprofit work I wanted to be involved in, and ask myself if I could handle it mentally and emotionally. 

This was a critical challenge to face. Through support from my co-workers, I learned to establish boundaries between myself and my work. Through generous funding from RISE, I was able to afford living in New York City with two of my best friends (also RISE fellows and PICS interns!). I learned ways to recharge – taking weekend trips to meet friends, cooking dinner with my roommates, or calling family back home. It was a summer to experience a new kind of independence, a taste of what post-grad could be, and affirmation that the service-focused professional world was where I wanted to be. 

To anyone considering the RISE program – reflect on what matters to you. Identify community organizations that align with your values, and push yourself to face the challenges that accompany new professional and personal experiences. Being a member of the Princeton community comes with the responsibility of serving communities beyond just our own. RISE gives us a unique opportunity to do just that.

Why I'm Proud to Be A Member of Princeton Presbyterians

There’s always something going on at Princeton: a paper due at 11:59 PM, Triangle Club trying to sell the last few tickets for their upcoming show, a friend making dinner plans. There is a certain join in the busyness. With that being said, I believe it’s also important to find some peace.

In my case, I find peace with the Princeton Presbyterians. We gather for worship service (also known as “Breaking Bread”) every Sunday at 6:30 PM in Nassau Presbyterian Church. We also meet every Monday for Small Group in Murray Dodge Hall to discuss biblical themes. Our services are open to undergraduate and graduate students, while our small groups are only to undergraduate students. But regardless, we are inclusive of all faith backgrounds.

I first learned about Princeton Presbyterians last April, while working as a Community Action Fellow with the Pace Center for Civic Engagement. While I knew many of the prospective orientation leaders from my residential college (Forbes College), one is particular I knew because she performs improv comedy with someone from my Zee Group. Yet I was surprised that one of my fellow Community Action Fellows also knew her through Princeton Presbyterians. After learning more about the group, I agreed to go with my coworker to church that Sunday.

Initially, I was a bit nervous to go because I belong to a large Baptist church in Somerset, New Jersey. Because of the size our pastor isn’t always accessible. But as soon as I walked into Nassau Presbyterian Church, the pastors welcomed me with open arms. They're always excited to learn more about the classes and student organizations I'm in, and they are very accommodating of my sensory and dietary needs. My pastors are more than willing to meet me outside of church as well, taking me out to Small World or Bent Spoon for conversation. These acts of kindness, to some students, may sound small but combined they show that Princeton Presbyterians consistently see us as people and cares.

We also have monthly dinners after service that allow us to know each other better. And know them, I do. Even if I don’t see certain students at “Breaking Bread” for a few weeks, it feels like time never passes when we’re together. I know that they will always make me laugh, smile, and think more critically about my relationship with God--and I am happy to do the same for them.

Joining Princeton Presbyterians was, by far, the best decision I made in April of my freshman year. I am not only proud to bond with students over our shared faith in God, but proud to belong to a small, close-knit family that accepts each other for who we are.

I belong to a family who brings me peace at Princeton no matter what mood I’m in.

Being Muslim at Princeton

When I was researching and applying to colleges my senior year, it was important for me to have a Muslim community on campus – a place that I could be accepted and be supported with my identity as a practicing Muslim woman. And while I am thankful to attend Princeton for many reasons, it is the Muslim community here on campus that has had the greatest impact on my experience here.

The Muslim community on campus is smaller than other religious groups, but we are a closely knit family. There isn’t a day that I don’t go to Murray-Dodge, the Office of Religious Life on campus, to see my friends and snack on the free cookies in the basement. As Muslims are obligated to pray five times a day, I am often running to – as it is affectionately known to many of us on campus – “MD” to quickly catch a congregated prayer in the prayer room on the third floor.

I am also the Events Coordinator for the Muslim Students Association, which is an organization I love dearly. Our events range from Muslim Monologues, an open-mic style event to invite members of the community to discuss various aspects of their faith, to more casual events of community cooking and ummah nights. I look forward to Friday afternoons the most, to the weekly Jummah prayer, where the corresponding sermon revitalizes both my spirit and heart – and there are always samosas after.

Another of my favorite times throughout the year is the month of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting, reflection, and prayer. Prior to my first Ramadan on campus last year, I was concerned about how I would practice my faith under the day-to-day workload of Princeton. I can now say that was the least of my concerns – the previous Ramadan ended up being the most spiritual and community-focused Ramadan of my life! From breaking my fast daily with friends to late nights in the Frist MPR in prayer, it was an experience that felt both completing and connecting. Many of my professors were aware of Ramadan and were also very understanding with extended deadlines and general aid. As I write this, I am even more excited for the upcoming Ramadan.

Truly, without the Muslim community, I would not have been able to call the Princeton campus home. They are my family here, and I love each of them dearly – even when they distract me from work. Feel free to come to any of our meetings, Muslim or not, as we simply are a community with a love of love to give.  

Student Veterans on 'Why Princeton?'

Luke Hixson '25

Prior to Princeton, I served five years in the Navy as a Fleet Marine Force Corpsman attached to 1st Battalion, 5th Marines. I’m currently a Junior in the Department of Neuroscience, a researcher in the Peña Lab, and a member of the Glorious Tiger Inn. After graduating from Princeton, I plan to attend medical school.


Princeton University is more than just a “prestigious institution;" it's a place where diverse communities come together to foster growth, inclusion, and support – a place where veterans can find an understanding and appreciative environment to transition back into civilian life while pursuing their academic dreams. The warm embrace I received from the Emma Bloomberg Center, fellow student-veterans, and the extensive resources available here made my transition from the military to academia seamless. But it doesn't stop there. Princeton's broader community is equally exceptional, nurturing a culture of collaboration and intellectual curiosity. The friendships I've formed with students from all walks of life have enriched my educational experience beyond measure. So, Why Princeton? It's the unique combination of a strong student-veteran community and the vibrant, inclusive spirit of Princeton as a whole. It's a place where I can grow academically, personally, and socially.


Victor Reynoso '26

I am from the West City of Puerto, Mayaguez. I left Puerto Rico when I enlisted in the U.S. Marines at 17 years old. I received an early Honorable Discharge from the Marine Corps so I could pursue my education at Princeton. I started here last year as a 22-year-old freshman, and I am a dog-dad of the two cutest dogs you will ever meet, and excited about the opportunities that Princeton offers me to explore my areas of interest before deciding on which major to pursue.


If I had to articulate what it is like to be a Princeton student, I would say that Princeton has the same mentality my drill instructors had; we train how we fight. In this regard, to Princeton, it is paramount that students receive a rigorous education, emulative of great real-world challenges. To better explain this, I can say that as a low-income student, I had never taken a computer science class before Princeton. However, three weeks after I started my first class at Princeton, we were asked to program a simulation of the solar system that took into consideration mass and gravitational forces. To be candid, this programming assignment had the most massive learning curve I’ve ever tackled. Nevertheless, it had to get done. So, I went to office hours, and I did not leave until it was finished – I refused to believe there was an “impossible” assignment. Personally, I think, that’s what Princeton is all about, constantly doing novel things that seemed impossible just three weeks ago. So, yes, Princeton academics can be grueling at moments, but they're also inspiring and stimulating. What's more, at Princeton, you are never alone, and someone is always willing to help. That's why I would not have it any other way.   


Minh Truong '27

During high school, at 17 years old I enlisted in the Army National Guard and have been with the state of Pennsylvania for four years. I am still drilling monthly with my state and have two years left with the Army. I was accepted into Princeton's Class of 2025 but deferred for two years for Army training and a deployment last year. I just came back to join the Class of 2027 as a first-year. I plan to major in Economics and minor in Visual Arts, maybe also Finance, and am considering law school after graduation.


Students at Princeton can choose to participate in clubs and student organizations that allow for professional and personal development outside of the classroom, which I have found to be very rewarding and also practical.

The University is very generous in its support of student co-curricular organizations; this allows for very well-organized clubs run by students and community members who are genuinely committed to and passionate about their activities.

Clubs can vary widely based on interest, with everything from pre-professional, to sports, to affinity, to hobby-based. I am involved with a business club and a finance club, both of which provide me with valuable professional development opportunities, such as regular conversations with industry leaders, working on an endowed project, trips to national business conferences, networking, etc. I am also involved in a badminton club, and a literary publishing club for which I am a book cover artist. These spaces allow me to explore personal interests outside of academics that engage my hobbies in structured and funded environments.

All the co-curricular programming available on campus is diverse yet accommodating and void of superficiality. Commitment-intensive clubs require applications and interviews that single out those who really want to commit themselves to the organizations, while other groups are more low-key and open to all. Being a service member has been a great asset in these spaces; the experiences, knowledge, and work ethic obtained in the military sets veterans far apart from others in their potential contributions to these communities. So far it has been very rewarding to commit myself to activities that allow growth beyond the classroom, and I highly encourage those considering Princeton to look at all these offered opportunities.



Kenneth Simmons '27

I was the product of a military family and my parents decided to settle down in Fayetteville, North Carolina. When I enlisted in the Army, I knew that I needed to mature and grow as a person. I had the privilege to work as a laboratory technician and medic in Special Operations and in clinical settings. The lessons I learned were invaluable to me taking the next step in my career. 

After separating from the Army after 14 years of service, I began my pursuit of higher education and enrolled in community college. This past summer I graduated from Fayetteville Technical Community College with my associates degree in science. I plan to major in philosophy here at Princeton, with the hopes of attending law school where I will begin a career in ethics for emerging technology. 

Support Resources

I chose Princeton for many reasons; the sense that I would be welcomed into the Princeton Community and that accommodations were made for non-traditional/veteran students were among those deciding factors. As a parent, dog parent, and 14-year Army Veteran, I knew I would be very different from my classmates. At Princeton, there are many resources to make your transition out of the military and into higher education seamless, unlike any other institution I applied to. You have the option to live on campus in the undergraduate residential colleges, or if you have a family and pets, you can opt to live in graduate housing or off campus. This flexibility addresses a significant component of any student’s success–ensuring that things are okay at home. My two dogs Cali and Cloud, enjoy going on walks and admiring campus, and it is normal to bump into classmates and professors and strike up a conversation. Princeton also has world-class physical and mental health services, ensuring my physical and mental health needs are addressed. Thank you, Princeton, for knocking down barriers to education and allowing me to share my talents with this community.

Editor's note: A few other resources include the transfer and veteran programming though the Emma Bloomberg Center for Access and Opportunity, the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning, the Writing Center, professors' office hours, advising in the residential college offices, and the Center for Career Development.


Andres Solorzano '27

I am from Long Beach, California. Before attending Princeton, I enlisted into the United States Army in 2016 and served in various components of the Army until the beginning of this year. I was a M1 Armor Crewman in the 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment out of Fort Stewart, Georgia. 

I am a first generation Guatemalan-American student. I am grateful to Princeton for giving me an opportunity unlike anything I could have ever dreamed of. I am looking forward to being challenged in the coming years, and I am ready to grow academically and personally alongside the amazing students here on campus. Upon graduating from Princeton, I plan on immediately pursuing an advanced degree. 

Financial Aid

Applying to Princeton can be very daunting. There is a lot of uncharted territory to navigate, particularly for student veterans. One of the biggest questions is always: “How will I be able to pay for this?” There’s no way I can afford it so why even bother applying, right? Wrong! Last year, Princeton enhanced its financial aid policy, guaranteeing independent students and families with incomes up to $100,000 a year will pay nothing.

Let’s not forget your earned educational benefits. Your GI Bill? Save that for graduate school! You do not have to utilize your benefits unless you decide that you want to use them. Many factors go into deciding where you will go to college, but don’t let money be a barrier--at Princeton, it isn’t anymore. Financial aid is one of the many ways we experience this university's recognition of the great value that veteran students bring to the campus population.

My Adventures With Princeton Cycling Club

Sometimes after a long day of working and studying, I can be eager to get my legs moving and my heart pumping. Luckily for me, Campus Rec offers numerous fitness classes, organized activities, and intramural sports. Since freshman year, I have been involved with Princeton’s cycling club.

Cycling club offers weekly group rides for cyclists of all levels, allowing students to get off campus and explore the beautiful Princeton area. These rides often end in fun excursions to local coffee shops or breakfast spots. In October, we rode to a local orchard to go apple picking in the beautiful Autumn weather. These rides are a great way to destress from the daily Princeton hustle and bustle, explore the area, and bond with a close-knit community of students.

My favorite memories with Princeton Cycling, however, have all occurring during the springtime when the team begins its racing season. Every weekend in April and May, the team travels to nearby schools, and participates in various two-day racing events in the ECCC (Eastern Collegiate Cycling Conference). The cycling club provides participants with transportation and housing for the races. Just last year, I spent my weekends at races hosted by Bucknell, MIT, UMD, and Dartmouth. Princeton cycling primarily participates in two types of races: criteriums, which feature many laps around a short course, and road races, which are longer loops around a course of many miles. As a soigneur, I am in charge of handing water bottles to the Princeton riders as they speed on by. Over time, our cycling team has been significantly growing in numbers, and last year we managed to secure a second-place spot for the Ivy League Cup.

In addition to celebrating the racing successes of Princeton Cycling, I have also gained immense fulfillment from the friendships I have been able to foster during these racing weekends. Between the long car rides, the race day competitions, and the nights spent at hotels, the cycling club has had ample opportunity to get to know each other and form lasting friendships. Between races, we make the time to have fun together, singing songs, swimming, or grabbing dinner as a team. As I begin my upperclassmen years at Princeton, I fondly look back on these memories and cherish these moments. This community gives me a sense of purpose, and makes me feel at home at Princeton.

Advice from a Nostalgic Senior

As the first semester of my final year at Princeton draws to a close, I find myself thinking more about what I would have done differently throughout my four years, and what I would tell myself in freshman year if I had the chance. Most of it is related to academics, such as getting distribution requirements out of the way as soon as possible, or that the best study spot on campus will be the Firestone B floor (though I have heard it is an acquired taste). However, my ‘words of wisdom’ would also expand beyond my academic pursuits, and I wanted to take the time and space to do that here.

1. Don’t pigeonhole yourself into one career path from the get-go. 

I told myself all throughout high school that I wanted to be a journalist or diplomat, determined that a career traveling all over the world reporting on the most pressing issues was the path for me. I didn’t really consider the other options I would have, convinced that the dreams I had when I was eighteen would hold when I was twenty-two. Though I do not want to discount the experiences of those who know exactly what they want to do with their lives, and thus pursue the classes and activities that allow them to do so, I think it's worth taking the time as an underclassman to explore what various career options you have, and who knows, you may find your new passion!

2. Not every extracurricular activity has to be academic.

This may be something that was more specific to me, but I felt guilty finding clubs that were purely ‘fun’ when the people around me were building career skills or attending national competitions that I did not attempt any till my sophomore spring. Admittedly, I ended up in an a cappella group I love and have become some of my closest friends, but one of my biggest regrets is that I didn’t audition earlier because I felt pressured to continue ‘working’ outside of my class hours. Take the leap. Have fun. You deserve it. 

3. Do not stress so much about your interpersonal relationships.  

One of the greatest things about college is the sheer number of people you meet and interact with on a daily basis. In classes with over a hundred students, in the different (or same) dining halls you eat at every day, and the people you live near every year, to name a few. Coming from a close-knit friend group in high school, I set the unrealistic expectation for myself that I would find a similar group of friends within my first few weeks at Princeton. Inevitably, this caused me to stress out and hindered me from interacting with more people. My current group of friends, whom I cherish very much, didn’t really solidify until my junior fall. I wish I could tell my freshman year self that. 

Ultimately, there is so much more advice that I could give (maybe I’ll write another blog post about academic advice for incoming freshmen). However, I remember being incredibly nervous and excited about the non-academic aspects of Princeton, and hope that this blog post helps assuage those concerns.

A Snapshot into Princeton Internships in Civic Service (PICS)


Princeton Internships in Civic Service (PICS) is a program that connects students with summer internship opportunities at nonprofit and government organizations in a wide variety of fields, ranging anywhere from healthcare to education. PICS is a funded opportunity, with students receiving a lump-sum stipend before the start of the summer. This stipend can be used towards any costs associated with your internship, including housing, food, and transportation. In addition to funding, PICS provides students with a network of resources and alumni to better support them during their internships and beyond. Through PICS, I spent this summer working as a Communications and Development intern at the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund (LALDEF) in Trenton, New Jersey.

The way that PICS works is relatively straightforward. At the end of the fall semester, a list of PICS community partners is released. This means you have about a month to choose up to two organizations to apply to, as well as prepare your application materials, all before the January deadline to submit your application. Interviews are usually held throughout the month of January, and by early to mid-February, you are notified about whether you have been selected for an internship.

When I was first looking into PICS, LALDEF stood out to me as it aligned with my own interests and personal values. LALDEF works to empower immigrants living in Mercer County, helping them navigate the systems and resources necessary for their own self-sufficiency in the United States. This includes access to legal services, citizenship test preparation, ESL classes, and youth mentoring programs. I am very interested in immigration work, and am considering the possibility of at some point working in the nonprofit sphere, so LALDEF made complete sense for me. Additionally, I loved that it was located near campus, as integrating myself more into the community surrounding campus is something I value greatly.

During my nine-week internship, I stayed on campus and took the train every day to Trenton. I worked Monday through Friday, eight hours a day, which meant that every morning, I made the trek from the train station to the office and up the stairs to the third floor, where our office space was located.

Most days after work, I would spend my time staying active, putting together puzzles, reading, and unwinding from the day. The weekends were a great opportunity for me to get off campus, even going into NYC twice over the summer.

The internship itself entailed a wide range of tasks and projects. As an intern working in the Communications and Development department, I was able to interact with the whole LALDEF team. Some of my major projects were designing the 2023 Impact Report and putting together the Fall 2023 Newsletter. The creation of the newsletter involved designing the layout itself, as well as contacting the different program heads to fill the newsletter with content and updates from each program. I was also involved in a variety of different supporting tasks within my department, but within other departments as well. I learned the importance and process of grant-writing, and conducted interviews with past and present clients to assemble testimonials for promotional purposes. One of the most impactful moments of the summer was sitting in on a legal intake interview, where I helped translate a client’s migration story.

All in all, I feel that I gained valuable insight into nonprofit work thanks to my PICS internship. I also learned what I like about different work experiences and environments, and what I would like to do differently in a future internship or job. Princeton-funded opportunities for internships (and research, if that’s more your thing) feel limitless at times. There is truly something for everyone, and the process will feel so much less overwhelming when it's upon you.