Seasons Always Change

February 20, 2025
Drew Sloan

Recently, we have been getting regular snowfalls in Princeton. From what I have heard from my Garden-State friends, this much snow is not a very common occurrence. Anytime I see snow falling on campus, I either glue myself to a window or go outside for a walk, hoping the snow will never cease and taking way too many pictures.


The other day, as I was admiring my amazing pictures of the snow, I decided to scroll back a few months to appreciate some of the scenic moments I had captured from last semester. Upon reaching October and November, I immediately found myself entranced by the red, yellow, and orange leaves along Cannon Green. Once I got to August and September, I could not help but feel a sense of nostalgia as I marveled at how green and lively campus was, reminiscing on orientation week and FDOC, or First Day of Class. 


Red and orange foliage on Canon Green
Cannon Green looking like the epitome of fall


Green foliage on trees in front of Nassau Hall
A picture I took of Nassau Hall a few days after move-in


Reflecting on these photos helped me realize a common truth that is too often overlooked: seasons always change. Life is a mosaic of seasons (I know… another “mosaic metaphor” reference): one piece is a season of happiness, another is a season of hardship, another is a season of exploration, and so on and so on. Some pieces seem better than others, but the beauty at the heart of every mosaic is all its different intricacies. If a mosaic was composed of just one piece, then it would not be a mosaic; if we only ever experienced one type of season, we would never gain appreciation for the beautiful mess that is life. We must endure difficult seasons to truly appreciate the goodness that stems from uplifting ones. Likewise, we must remember the goodness of uplifting seasons when we are met with difficult ones, knowing there is always a better day right around the corner. 


Right now, I am sure many of you are in the season of waiting. Waiting to hear back from colleges; waiting to see what the next phase of your life will look like. I was there a year ago, and let me just say, I completely understand how you are feeling. And let me also say, everything is going to be okay. 


Though this season of waiting may feel endless, know that decision day will finally arrive, and soon enough, you will be looking back and wishing time would slow down. No matter the emotions you are currently experiencing or the decision that pops up that day, just know that you are loved, you are important, and that in the end, everything is going to be okay. 


I am sure you are probably thinking, “Of course this boy thinks everything is going to be okay. He got into Princeton!” I know it sounds cliché, but truly, when I tell you everything is going to be okay, I mean it and know it wholeheartedly. 


Life has a funny way of working out. As long as you keep your head up, put one foot in front of the other, remain determined, and have even the smallest amount of faith, you can do more than you ever thought possible. I am rooting for you!


All this to say, as you look outside and see the leaves change, the snow fall, or the earliest sights of spring start to bloom, remember that the seasons of life always change and you are going to be okay