Hi, everyone! My name is Ellie Maag, and I’m a member of the Class of 2019. I am an outdoorsy, language-loving student getting certificates in Values and Public Life, German and Humanistic Studies. My languages for my major are French, German and Norwegian. As a first-year, I took the yearlong Humanities Sequence. Outside of classes, I run a Pace Center for Civic Engagement program called Generation Speak that connects Princeton students to seniors living in the community. I also am a Peer Academic Advisor for Forbes College and act in Princeton’s French theater troupe, L’Avant Scène. I spend a lot of my time with other members of the Edwards Collective on campus, a residential community that is devoted to the arts and humanities. As a result, I’m always seeing lots of performances on campus and can vouch for how talented and fun Princeton students are!
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions: emaag@princeton.edu.