This month marks the start of my last semester at Princeton! Here are some things that happened in February:
At the start of the month, there was a huge snowstorm, blanketing the campus in snow. Fun snow activities included sledding down Whitman Residential College hill and cute snowmen sightings around campus.
Then the snow melted away, and spring semester began. I shopped for a ton of classes and finally decided to take STC (Science and Technology) 209: Transformations in Engineering and the Arts, WWS/MAE (Woodrow Wilson School/ Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) 353: Science and Global Security, and AST (Astrophysics) 203: The Universe.

Typically, students take four to five classes per semester, but most seniors will take two to three classes their spring semester to have extra time to work on their senior thesis. Like most seniors, I've been spending most of time outside of class working on my thesis, which is about smart homes and the Internet of Things (IoT). My research includes interviewing people who own smart homes, and it's always fun seeing their smart home set-ups and learning about their perceptions of IoT technology.

Aside from classes and working on my thesis, I've been hanging out with friends, attending every Lunar New Year celebration on campus for yummy Chinese food, and spending lots of time outdoors thanks to the weirdly warm weather lately.

The last week of the month felt more like May than February, and the bout of warm weather made me realize that this, indeed, is the beginning of the end. My time here at Princeton is almost over! It made me excited for the future but nostalgic for the past four years. However, there are still many months and things to do before I graduate, and until then, I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of the semester, learning, growing and spending time with all the people on this beautiful campus before I leave :)