Here we are, a few weeks into the spring semester. Each semester has a rhythm of its own, and it always takes a few weeks to figure out how to dance to the new beat. I love this time because classes are still new (but not brand new), and I am settling into my new routine.
The first two weeks of classes are deemed the “add-drop period” because you can do just that—try new classes that you hear about, sample different section times, and drop other classes that you originally wanted to take. So it’s after those first couple of weeks that we are settling into the groove, and this is my favorite time for two reasons: a) I’m a total routine person, and b) I have a great schedule this semester. More than a few people have told me they thought they had a good schedule until they heard mine! I’m taking four classes this semester, the typical Princeton workload. Two are for my French major, and two are for the certificate that I am earning in the Program in Urban Studies. Perhaps what I love the most is that I only have classes Monday through Wednesday, and then I work quite a bit on campus on Thursdays and Fridays. Now you’re starting to understand the envy of my friends.
Here is a typical Monday:
6:08 a.m. Good morning!
6:30 a.m. Dillon Gym. I think that this is the best way to start the day, and I’m here nearly every morning!
8:10 a.m. Breakfast.
8:45 a.m. Work at Firestone Library. It’s perfect for me to work on Monday mornings since I’m all caught up with homework from the weekend.
11 a.m. “The Making of Modern France: French Literature, Culture, and Society from 1789 to the Present.” A wonderful class with a great professor. It’s a lot like a book club with only 13 of us students and lots of group discussion.
12:30 p.m. “Architecture, Globalization, and the Environment.” This is a fairly large lecture, and it works well for me to sit back, take notes, and munch on dark chocolate and nuts since I don’t have a break for lunch today.
1:30 p.m. “Advanced French Language and Style.” This is another small and fun class, and right now we’re studying the narration of French fiction and fairy tales.
3 p.m. Whew! Time for a break. I head back to my room, respond to several emails, and start some homework. I also check my mailbox at the Frist Campus Center.
5 p.m. I have dinner with my friend. We talk about our summer internship plans and exchange stories about what we did over the weekend.

6 p.m. I talk to my mom on the phone and catch up with her, and then I take a look at my homework for the week.
7:30 p.m. It’s time for our weekly Student Health Advisory Board meeting.
8:30 p.m. I finish up my last edits on my French essay for Wednesday and complete this week’s reading for “Introduction to Urban Studies.”
10:45 p.m. It has been a busy day. Good night!