Senior Spring Break: Thesis Writing, Grad School Visits, and Time With Family

March 19, 2024
Amélie Lemay

Six weeks after the start of each semester is the break week without classes. Most semesters, I've used the break week to catch up on my coursework and get ahead on upcoming assignments, as well as take some time to decompress and be with my family. For my senior spring break, though, there was less coursework than usual. I'm only taking three courses this semester, since my thesis counts as my fourth course, which is a wonderful perk that gave me more time over break for both research and traveling.

I used the first few days of break to work on my thesis, which is due in about one month (April 15th) for my department. I had a meeting over Zoom with my advisor, and I made progress on the figures and manuscript. I feel mostly comfortable with the state of the project and meeting the deadline, and the break from classes gave me the opportunity to focus on it. Some students stayed on campus over spring break and attended thesis boot camp workshops, where they hunkered down with provided snacks to make headway. Deadlines are approaching, and most seniors used at least part of their break to make significant thesis progress.

After several days of thesis work, I still had remaining time in my break, which allowed me to travel to Boston! Graduate school programs typically host a visit day for accepted students sometime in March or April, and I was lucky that my future school's visit day was during spring break this year. On Thursday I flew to Boston to visit MIT, where I had the chance to explore the campus, hear from current students, and meet the lab group of my future advisor. MIT was my top choice program when I applied, therefore I'd already accepted when I visited, which allowed the lab group to organize a dinner to welcome me. It was a lovely experience, and it made me incredibly excited to begin my doctoral program in the fall. Many students use visit days to evaluate their options, though, and choose to fly to several different schools during the spring semester. Having fewer classes to attend with the lighter course load of senior spring helps students manage this travel during the semester.

When I came home from Boston, I still had a few nights at home to spend time with my family. I was able to speak about the visit and my impressions, and I could fit in a last few loads of laundry before heading back to campus. I'm really grateful for this slightly different break week of senior spring, and stay tuned for the official printing of my thesis next month!