Intramural sports at Princeton are characterized by a general feeling of fun, adventure and good spirit. Every eating club and residential college sponsors a team, and these teams are usually composed of a few groups of friends.
A number of graduate college teams often dominate the points standings—the #1 ranked Woodrow Wilson Graduate School currently has double the points of #2 ranked Cap and Gown Club, but no one seems to take it too seriously.
The sports themselves can even be a bit ridiculous. I have played everything ranging from soccer and kickball to Wiffle ball and Quidditch. Princeton is also one of a very few colleges that has an intramural program run by student intramural supervisors rather than professional referees, which I believe lends to the program a feel of "pick-up games" rather than official matches. I love this about Princeton IMs.

I also love the accessibility and easy feel of the program. I love knowing that I can walk down to the field and just relax and have a good time, and it's such a welcome break from the intensity of a normal Princeton day. I love knowing that anyone can play, at any time, with no experience required (indeed, how many people would have experience playing kickball on a serious level?).
I have always appreciated the range of athletics available to Princeton students, from IMs to club sports to varsity teams. Sports can be a huge part of one's life, or play no role at all.