Princeton is a beautiful place every time of year, but it really comes alive in the fall (you’ll definitely see fall pics on my IG story). But beyond the beauty, there’s also a lot of fun things to do on campus. Fall is honestly my favorite season on campus because there are tons of exciting things happening beyond the start of classes. So here are some of my go-to fall treats and activities at Princeton!
Get hot chocolate at Small World
This is my FAVORITE hot chocolate on campus. It’s chocolatey, but not too rich and it comes with whipped cream on top. You can order it either at Small World in town or at Frist Campus Center (our student center).

Stock up on Reese's pumpkins and ghosts at Wawa
This could be just a me thing, but I’m obsessed with the Reese's shapes. They are limited time only!! The ratio of peanut butter to chocolate is way better...that extra peanut butter definitely hits different.

Fill the stands at homecoming
If you go to any football game in the fall, homecoming is the one to attend! We’re competing against Harvard and it’s going to be SO fun...and I’m not just giving you a biased opinion from a Princeton Cheerleader. Alumni come back, students crowd the stands, and there will be a whole lot of orange, black and school spirit!

Cheer on the football team
I’d also recommend (again in my unbiased Princeton Cheer opinion) going to ALL football games in the fall. Even if you just pop in for an hour or two with friends, it’s really fun to cheer on our Tigers and take a study break with friends. There are only about 4 home football games this year, so each one is going to be amazing.

Go to Fall Fest by the Princeton Students Events Committee (PSEC)
As a program chair on PSEC, I’ll be planning Fall Fest this year alongside other program chairs. This is an annual tradition where we have delicious fall treats and food trucks, fall DIY crafts, a pumpkin patch, games and more. It is a campus-wide event, so any student can stop by and join in on the fun.

Attend dance shows
These typically happen in later fall/early winter, but they are CANNOT MISS events. These Princeton dance groups are simply incredible, and it’s always awesome to be able to see and support your friends on stage. I love watching diSiac, eXpressions and KoKo Pops because I have friends in those dance groups, but I try to go to as many as I can.

So there you have it, some of my favorite moments and a glimpse of student life at Princeton during the fall!