The Latinx Community on Campus

March 27, 2019

Roberto Hasbun

When I first arrived on campus, I was apprehensive. There was only one other student from Honduras, and I was afraid of not adapting to American culture. Fortunately, during orientation, I attended one of the events organized by Princeton Latinos y Amigos. I was surprised by how welcoming the Latinx community was.

Back home, everyone was Honduran in my high school. I also went from speaking Spanish on a daily basis to only English. With the friends I made on campus, I was able to share why Honduras is an amazing country. I told them how much I missed the delicious food, great people and lively music.

Whenever I attended an event by Princeton Latinos y Amigos, I felt like I was back home. This is why I decided to be part of the board for the organization. As the current social media co-chair, I help organize events like Latinx Heritage Month, Posadas and the Fall Gala. There are many nationalities represented on the board, and we all bond over good food and Hispanic music. The board has become a second family to me, especially the upperclassmen who share advice on how to navigate academics at Princeton. They are people who I can count on and approach with any questions or concerns. I am always inspired by their achievements.

I am very grateful to the Latinx community for making me feel like I belong. There are several organizations, just like Princeton Latinos y Amigos that celebrate different ethnicities like the Black Student Union and the Chinese Students Association. My message to prospective students is that, no matter your race or nationality, you will find a home at Princeton.