Joining the Edwards Collective

February 21, 2016

I’m back! After eight months off campus (the summer, plus the fall semester abroad), I am happy to be back in the den with my favorite Tigers. After a busy weekend of unpacking my bags, buying books, and catching up with friends, I’m ready for classes to start.

One new thing this semester that I’m excited about is that I’ve moved into the Edwards Collective. It’s a group of about 40 undergrads that live on two floors of a Edwards Hall, which is part of Mathey College. It's intended for students who are interested in the arts and humanities. As a French major and someone who loves photography and reading, I was thrilled that there were still some rooms available for me to join the Collective this spring!

My move-in day photo of my new dorm building, Edwards Hall, this semester.

Well, I’m still a new member, but I’ve so far learned that there are weekly dinners on Sundays at 6:00 p.m., coffee and pastry discussions on Friday mornings, and various events like free spring and fall break retreats for members to get off campus and work on their artistic endeavors together. Sounds neat, huh?! I've been kindly welcomed by two of my 4th floor neighbors already, Matt and Alicia, so things are off to a good start. 

The other thing that I love so far about the Edwards Collective is that we all have single rooms, but there are several common spaces for us to study and work together, including a kitchen and lounge in the basement. I really value having a quiet space to do homework in the evenings, but I also love being near friends, too, so this is a great balance for me. Edwards Hall is also quite conveniently located in the center of campus; nothing is too far away. I especially love how close it is to Dillon Gym, since I’m there most mornings. Plus, it’s super close to the U-Store and Frist Campus Center, which means that snacks and friends are always just a few steps away!

I'll keep you posted with Edwards happenings this spring!