How to Win(tersession) Princeton

January 26, 2017
Jordan K. Brown

It's about that time of year again: first semester finals are finished (for the most part) and now it's time to finally relax before the next one starts. Before you do that however, Princeton and the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) have something rather unique to offer students who are still on campus. What am I talking about? I'm talking about the Wintersession courses.

Wintersession, besides being a clever combination of the words "winter" and "intersession," is the week between the end of finals and the start of the spring semester and students may typically travel, go home or simply relax on campus. It also is a time where students can actually enroll in "Wintersession Courses" and learn about a wide spectrum of topics that aren't necessarily academic in nature, usually taught by other students at the University. They can range from workshops by several of the dance groups on campus, cooking Italian cuisine or even financial planning for the future. For example, last winter I took courses on learning basic American Sign Language, talking science, as well as one on how to best use LinkedIn. The courses are throughly enjoyable and would certainly recommend trying out a few if you get the chance, especially as they usually last for about an hour or an hour and a half, leaving you with plenty of time to try others on the same day. If you're busy during Wintersession and aren't able to attend any that's fine too; they're offered every year with slight changes in the course offerings. The courses are meant to be a fun and non-stressful way to enjoy the break and are worth checking out. Who knows? Maybe you could even teach one! To see this year's offerings, you can click here.