Exploring The Graduate College

September 14, 2024
Chloe Lau

It’s a secret spot, way beyond Forbes College, which is already on the edge of campus. Beyond the Forbes backyard, traversing past the lush golf course, with grand gothic towers, and a slight resemblance to Rockefeller College: Welcome to the Graduate College!


I first discovered the beautiful recluse of the Graduate College on an afternoon weekend stroll last spring. There were stone walls of magnificent arches, patios with tables, and barely any people around—a welcomed sense of peace given the normally hectic and crowded campus. Along the stone archways dangled lilac wisteria, which was in full bloom. Picturesque would be an understatement. 


Purple wisteria hang from a stone archway.
The lovely wisteria, straight from a Jane Austen novel


Inside the Graduate College is a dining hall combining Rocky and Mathey’s long wooden tables and floating chandeliers with The University Chapel’s stained glass windows, a grand kaleidoscope of colors. It was not open that day, but another excuse to return again.


With a stained glass window in the middle, there are floating chandeliers and long wooden tables on each side.
The Graduate College Dining Hall: Roma Dining Hall meets Chapel aesthetic


Beyond a small wooden door lies the Porter’s Lodge. Open for a few hours each weekday, the office holds the key to the top of the Graduate College Tower. After signing in, the key unlocks a small wooden door, leading to a narrow flight of spiral staircases. On the way up, there are some empty rooms, which are also opportunities to get a quick rest and get more space. The top of the staircase has steps that get smaller with each step. Right before it gets claustrophobic, you get to the top! 


A spiral staircase
The long winding staircase. 


This is the highest point that you can get to on Princeton’s campus, with a view that makes every staircase step worth it. An open balcony gives the ultimate birds-eye view of Princeton’s campus, from Firestone Library, and Fine Hall (you won’t miss it), to the greenery around town. It is an amazing, underrated place to be, and makes you feel on top of the world, even just for a little bit. 


a photo of a sky with stone architecture below
The view!!


photo 2
From this angle, you can see the top of Rockefeller college!