6 Small Pleasures of Living in Princeton

September 20, 2023
Amélie Lemay

The start of the fall semester means returning to campus after a summer away, and with this move comes a change in your daily and weekly routines. While this change can be a little disorienting as you adjust, there are certain to be joys unique to Princeton and campus life to which you'll be glad to return. Here are six of my own small pleasures of the Orange Bubble.

1. Seeing My Professors in Town

Princeton is a lovely town, and many professors live nearby. It's very common to see your professors out and going about their daily lives. Sometimes I'll see Professor Bourg out on a run or say hello to Professor Myneni while he gets a coffee at Small World after biking to work. Seeing my professors in a more informal context reminds me that they, too, are human. 

2. Getting the Newspaper in Palmer Square

Growing up, my family always received the daily and weekend New York Times. Some of my favorite memories of home include fetching the plastic-wrapped newspaper roll each morning from the driveway and lingering at the table after dinner on Sunday to read my favorite sections. Physical newspaper is still my favorite way to stay informed, and I love stopping by the newsstand in Palmer Square, a shopping center across from Nassau Hall, to pick up the daily paper several times a week.

green-roofed newsstand with lamp post in front

3. Classes in a Castle

Princeton's Gothic architecture still awes me every day, even as a senior. Most of my classes are in the E-Quad, a more modern building on campus, but my humanities courses are usually held in one of the older buildings towards central campus. Dillon Gym is also located in a Gothic building, so I not only learn, but sweat, in a castle.

large lecture hall with wooden seats and large chandeliers

4. Shopping at Whole Earth Center

I'm an "independent" who cooks for herself, and Whole Earth Center is my go-to grocery store. This hippie-populated health store has a wonderful selection of fresh fruit, vegetables, baked goods, and other surprising finds (cashew cheese crackers, anyone?) that make my day. Getting my weekly groceries here is always a real treat.

5. Runs and Walks on the Towpath

By the canal "down campus" runs D&R Canal State Park, a long gravel trail by the water perfect for running or weekend strolls. In fall, the leaves change colors and create a gorgeous tableau for my run. Zipping down the towpath is one of my favorite ways to unwind daily, and on weekends Kelvin and I will often go for walks to take in the scenery.

wooded gravel trail with group of pedestrians

6. The Daily Princetonian on Fridays

Recalling my aforementioned love of physical newspaper, I look forward to picking up my printed copy of the Daily Princetonian each Friday. The Prince publishes online daily, but the Friday print edition is really when I catch up with the latest campus happenings. 

While there are any number of elements of Princeton life I could have shared, these are some of the ones most special to me and my lifestyle here. Ask any Princeton student for six small pleasures of Princeton life, and you're certain to receive a unique answer each time. Discovering what makes your time here meaningful is one of the best parts of moving off to college and living on your own.